Packages changed:
  analitza (20.08.1 -> 20.08.2)
  blinken (20.08.1 -> 20.08.2)
  bluedevil5 (5.19.5 -> 5.20.0)
  bovo (20.08.1 -> 20.08.2)
  breeze (5.19.5 -> 5.20.0)
  breeze-gtk (5.19.5 -> 5.20.0)
  cervisia (20.08.1 -> 20.08.2)
  discover (5.19.5 -> 5.20.0)
  drkonqi5 (5.19.5 -> 5.20.0)
  ffmpegthumbs (20.08.1 -> 20.08.2)
  juk (20.08.1 -> 20.08.2)
  k3b (20.08.1 -> 20.08.2)
  kactivitymanagerd (5.19.5 -> 5.20.0)
  kalgebra (20.08.1 -> 20.08.2)
  kanagram (20.08.1 -> 20.08.2)
  kapptemplate (20.08.1 -> 20.08.2)
  katomic (20.08.1 -> 20.08.2)
  kblackbox (20.08.1 -> 20.08.2)
  kblocks (20.08.1 -> 20.08.2)
  kbounce (20.08.1 -> 20.08.2)
  kbreakout (20.08.1 -> 20.08.2)
  kbruch (20.08.1 -> 20.08.2)
  kcachegrind (20.08.1 -> 20.08.2)
  kcm_sddm (5.19.5 -> 5.20.0)
  kcron (20.08.1 -> 20.08.2)
  kde-cli-tools5 (5.19.5 -> 5.20.0)
  kde-gtk-config5 (5.19.5 -> 5.20.0)
  kdeedu-data (20.08.1 -> 20.08.2)
  kdegraphics-thumbnailers (20.08.1 -> 20.08.2)
  kdenetwork-filesharing (20.08.1 -> 20.08.2)
  kdf (20.08.1 -> 20.08.2)
  kdiamond (20.08.1 -> 20.08.2)
  kgamma5 (5.19.5 -> 5.20.0)
  kgeography (20.08.1 -> 20.08.2)
  kget (20.08.1 -> 20.08.2)
  kgoldrunner (20.08.1 -> 20.08.2)
  khangman (20.08.1 -> 20.08.2)
  khotkeys5 (5.19.5 -> 5.20.0)
  kig (20.08.1 -> 20.08.2)
  kinfocenter5 (5.19.5 -> 5.20.0)
  kipi-plugins (20.08.1 -> 20.08.2)
  kiriki (20.08.1 -> 20.08.2)
  kiten (20.08.1 -> 20.08.2)
  kjumpingcube (20.08.1 -> 20.08.2)
  klines (20.08.1 -> 20.08.2)
  kmahjongg (20.08.1 -> 20.08.2)
  kmenuedit5 (5.19.5 -> 5.20.0)
  kmines (20.08.1 -> 20.08.2)
  kmouth (20.08.1 -> 20.08.2)
  kmplot (20.08.1 -> 20.08.2)
  knavalbattle (20.08.1 -> 20.08.2)
  knetwalk (20.08.1 -> 20.08.2)
  kolf (20.08.1 -> 20.08.2)
  kollision (20.08.1 -> 20.08.2)
  kolourpaint (20.08.1 -> 20.08.2)
  konquest (20.08.1 -> 20.08.2)
  kpat (20.08.1 -> 20.08.2)
  kqtquickcharts (20.08.1 -> 20.08.2)
  krdc (20.08.1 -> 20.08.2)
  kreversi (20.08.1 -> 20.08.2)
  krfb (20.08.1 -> 20.08.2)
  kscreen5 (5.19.5 -> 5.20.0)
  kscreenlocker (5.19.5 -> 5.20.0)
  kshisen (20.08.1 -> 20.08.2)
  ksirk (20.08.1 -> 20.08.2)
  kspaceduel (20.08.1 -> 20.08.2)
  ksquares (20.08.1 -> 20.08.2)
  ksshaskpass5 (5.19.5 -> 5.20.0)
  ksudoku (20.08.1 -> 20.08.2)
  ksysguard5 (5.19.5 -> 5.20.0)
  ksystemlog (20.08.1 -> 20.08.2)
  kteatime (20.08.1 -> 20.08.2)
  ktimer (20.08.1 -> 20.08.2)
  ktouch (20.08.1 -> 20.08.2)
  kturtle (20.08.1 -> 20.08.2)
  kubrick (20.08.1 -> 20.08.2)
  kwayland-integration (5.19.5 -> 5.20.0)
  kwayland-server (5.19.5 -> 5.20.0)
  kwin5 (5.19.5 -> 5.20.0)
  kwordquiz (20.08.1 -> 20.08.2)
  kwrited5 (5.19.5 -> 5.20.0)
  libgphoto2 (2.5.25 -> 2.5.26)
  libkdecoration2 (5.19.5 -> 5.20.0)
  libkdegames (20.08.1 -> 20.08.2)
  libkeduvocdocument (20.08.1 -> 20.08.2)
  libkmahjongg (20.08.1 -> 20.08.2)
  libkscreen2 (5.19.5 -> 5.20.0)
  libksysguard5 (5.19.5 -> 5.20.0)
  libmtp (1.1.17 -> 1.1.18)
  libqmi (1.26.4 -> 1.26.6)
  libsecret (0.20.3 -> 0.20.4)
  lokalize (20.08.1 -> 20.08.2)
  lskat (20.08.1 -> 20.08.2)
  mbox-importer (20.08.1 -> 20.08.2)
  milou5 (5.19.5 -> 5.20.0)
  oxygen5 (5.19.5 -> 5.20.0)
  parley (20.08.1 -> 20.08.2)
  perl-Mojolicious (8.61 -> 8.62)
  pim-data-exporter (20.08.1 -> 20.08.2)
  pim-sieve-editor (20.08.1 -> 20.08.2)
  plasma-browser-integration (5.19.5 -> 5.20.0)
  plasma-nm5 (5.19.5 -> 5.20.0)
  plasma5-addons (5.19.5 -> 5.20.0)
  plasma5-desktop (5.19.5 -> 5.20.0)
  plasma5-integration (5.19.5 -> 5.20.0)
  plasma5-pa (5.19.5 -> 5.20.0)
  plasma5-thunderbolt (5.19.5 -> 5.20.0)
  plasma5-workspace (5.19.5 -> 5.20.0)
  polkit-default-privs (1550+20200909.647e56f -> 1550+20201001.cb7020b)
  polkit-kde-agent-5 (5.19.5 -> 5.20.0)
  powerdevil5 (5.19.5 -> 5.20.0)
  step (20.08.1 -> 20.08.2)
  sweeper (20.08.1 -> 20.08.2)
  systemsettings5 (5.19.5 -> 5.20.0)
  umbrello (20.08.1 -> 20.08.2)
  xdg-desktop-portal-kde (5.19.5 -> 5.20.0)
  yakuake (20.08.1 -> 20.08.2)

=== Details ===

==== analitza ====
Version update (20.08.1 -> 20.08.2)
Subpackages: analitza-lang libAnalitza5

- Update to 20.08.2
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 20.08.1

==== aspell-en ====

- removing Novell residues
- deleted patches
  - aspell-en-Novellwords_extra_dict.patch (not needed)
- deleted sources
  - Nwordlist.tgz (abandoned)
- do not require aspell binary, dictionary can be used
  by the aspell library [bsc#1177523]

==== blinken ====
Version update (20.08.1 -> 20.08.2)
Subpackages: blinken-lang

- Update to 20.08.2
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 20.08.1:
  * Add kdoctools_install call previously added by release tools
  * Improve i18n tooling

==== bluedevil5 ====
Version update (5.19.5 -> 5.20.0)
Subpackages: bluedevil5-lang

- Update to 5.20.0
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.19.90:
  * [applet] Open new KCM from the configure action
  * Add Exec line to KCM desktop file
- Update to 5.19.90
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.19.5:
  * Remove explicit ECM_KDE_MODULE_DIR
  * Convert copyright statements to SPDX expressions
  * bluedevil-sendfile: Fix small size of file selector
  * Fix minor typo
  * Translate KCM (patch by Victor Ryzhykh)
  * Fix a TypeError in DeviceItem.qml
  * New bluetooth KCM
  * [wizard] Enable 1-finger touch scrolling (kde#406544)
  * [applet] Don't show emblem for disconnected devices (kde#425239)
  * [applet] Port to checkbox with internally-defined icon property
  * set a name for the global notification category
  * [applet] Port mostly to PlasmaComponents3
  * correct appstream homepage URL to plasma homepage
  * Increase frameworks dependency to 5.72 for PlasmaExtras.PlaceholderMessage
  * Port applet to use PlasmaExtras.PlaceholderMessage
  * [applet] Fix tooltip showing wrong name for connected device (kde#422691)
- Drop patches, now upstream:
  * 0001-Port-applet-to-use-PlasmaExtras.PlaceholderMessage.patch

==== bovo ====
Version update (20.08.1 -> 20.08.2)
Subpackages: bovo-lang

- Update to 20.08.2
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 20.08.1

==== breeze ====
Version update (5.19.5 -> 5.20.0)
Subpackages: breeze5-cursors breeze5-decoration breeze5-style breeze5-style-lang breeze5-wallpapers libbreezecommon5-5

- Add patch and regenerate wallpapers to significantly reduce the size:
- Update to 5.20.0
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.19.90:
  * [kstyle] Remove #if BREEZE_HAVE_X11 around code that uses KWindowSystem
  * Use correct colors for arrows in checked toolbuttons in toolbars
  * [kstyle]: Make buttons use KColorScheme::Button for hover and focus colours (kde#426651)
  * [kstyle] Ensure that shadows are destroyed after decorated windows
  * [kstyle] Require Qt 5.15
- Update to 5.19.90
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.19.5:
  * [kstyle] Port to QWindow::startSystemMove()
  * Update Breeze Dark preview images for new Flow wallpaper
  * Remove explicit ECM_KDE_MODULE_DIR
  * Replace Flow with Shell
  * Also enable highlighting Buttons
  * Convert copyright statements to SPDX expressions
  * Port away from deprecated Qt::MidButton
  * [kstyle] Reverse default sort order indicator arrow direction
  * Add comments to clarify hidden ViewInvertSortIndicator option
  * Use semi-transparent menu separators
  * Draw the separator for toolbuttons with separte popup menu on hover or focus
  * Draw arrows on toolbuttons with menus and no popup delay (kde#344746)
  * Add _kde_highlight_neutral property to allow widgets highlight with neutral color
  * use global animation values
  * Load and use global animation settings
  * Remove breezemetrics.cpp and put values back into breezemetrics.h
  * Clean up the appearance of breezemetrics.cpp
  * Refactor metrics into their own C++ file
  * Move Breeze::Metrics into breezemetrics.h to reduce recompilations
  * Notify about the decoration button's appearance change
  * [kstyle] Ensure that shadows are destroyed after decorated windows
  * [kstyle] Increase tab height to 30px
  * [QStyle] Make menu titles look less like menu items

==== breeze-gtk ====
Version update (5.19.5 -> 5.20.0)
Subpackages: gtk2-metatheme-breeze gtk3-metatheme-breeze metatheme-breeze-common

- Update to 5.20.0
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.19.90:
  * [gtk3]: Make scrollbars fixed size (kde#414763)
- Update to 5.19.90
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.19.5:
  * Remove explicit ECM_KDE_MODULE_DIR
  * Convert copyright statements to SPDX expressions
  * Make shadow of popovers less harsh (kde#422763)
  * Improve the shadow of CSD windows
  * Add styles for floating bars (kde#418933)
  * Fix GTK Assistant styles to be legible (kde#422866)
  * Reduce popover shadow

==== cervisia ====
Version update (20.08.1 -> 20.08.2)
Subpackages: cervisia-lang

- Update to 20.08.2
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 20.08.1

==== discover ====
Version update (5.19.5 -> 5.20.0)
Subpackages: discover-backend-flatpak discover-backend-fwupd discover-backend-packagekit discover-lang

- Update to 5.20.0
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.19.90:
  * Set updates page placeholder icon size properly
  * kns: Notify when updates count changes (kde#426749)
- Update to 5.19.90
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- Too many changes to list here

==== drbd-utils ====

- Move block-drbd back to /etc/xen/scripts (bsc#1177531)
  The change in xen.spec was reverted, but the revert was not applied
  to this pkg

==== drkonqi5 ====
Version update (5.19.5 -> 5.20.0)
Subpackages: drkonqi5-lang

- Update to 5.20.0
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code changes since 5.19.90
- Update to 5.19.90
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.19.5:
  * Remove explicit ECM_KDE_MODULE_DIR
  * Default Save report extension: kcrash.txt => kcrash
  * Fix the port to QRegularExpression
  * add gdb line test for thread start and current thread markers
  * Use camelcase include. (scripted)

==== ffmpegthumbs ====
Version update (20.08.1 -> 20.08.2)
Subpackages: ffmpegthumbs-lang

- Update to 20.08.2
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 20.08.1

==== juk ====
Version update (20.08.1 -> 20.08.2)
Subpackages: juk-lang

- Update to 20.08.2
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 20.08.1

==== k3b ====
Version update (20.08.1 -> 20.08.2)
Subpackages: k3b-lang

- Update to 20.08.2
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 20.08.1:
  * Fix kauth helper install location

==== kactivitymanagerd ====
Version update (5.19.5 -> 5.20.0)
Subpackages: kactivitymanagerd-lang

- Update to 5.20.0
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.19.90:
  * Use correct way to register for a shortcut (kde#374575)
- Update to 5.19.90
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.19.5:
  * Fix spelling error.
  * Resources database backups
  * Improve assert's error message on SQL error
  * Added logo for GitLab

==== kalgebra ====
Version update (20.08.1 -> 20.08.2)
Subpackages: kalgebra-lang

- Update to 20.08.2
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 20.08.1:
  * Add kdoctools_install call previously added by release tools
  * Improve i18n tooling

==== kanagram ====
Version update (20.08.1 -> 20.08.2)
Subpackages: kanagram-lang

- Update to 20.08.2
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 20.08.1:
  * Add kdoctools_install call previously added by release tools
  * When checking typed letters also check stripping accents.
  * Improve i18n tooling
  * Add missing content_rating tag to appdata file.

==== kapptemplate ====
Version update (20.08.1 -> 20.08.2)
Subpackages: kapptemplate-lang

- Update to 20.08.2
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 20.08.1:
  * Add kdoctools_install call previously added by release tools
  * kde-frameworks5 template: use only SPDX license docs

==== katomic ====
Version update (20.08.1 -> 20.08.2)
Subpackages: katomic-lang

- Update to 20.08.2
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 20.08.1

==== kblackbox ====
Version update (20.08.1 -> 20.08.2)
Subpackages: kblackbox-lang

- Update to 20.08.2
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 20.08.1

==== kblocks ====
Version update (20.08.1 -> 20.08.2)
Subpackages: kblocks-lang

- Update to 20.08.2
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 20.08.1

==== kbounce ====
Version update (20.08.1 -> 20.08.2)
Subpackages: kbounce-lang

- Update to 20.08.2
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 20.08.1

==== kbreakout ====
Version update (20.08.1 -> 20.08.2)
Subpackages: kbreakout-lang

- Update to 20.08.2
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 20.08.1

==== kbruch ====
Version update (20.08.1 -> 20.08.2)
Subpackages: kbruch-lang

- Update to 20.08.2
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 20.08.1:
  * Add kdoctools_install call previously added by release tools
  * Improve i18n tooling

==== kcachegrind ====
Version update (20.08.1 -> 20.08.2)
Subpackages: kcachegrind-lang

- Update to 20.08.2
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 20.08.1

==== kcm_sddm ====
Version update (5.19.5 -> 5.20.0)
Subpackages: kcm_sddm-lang

- Update to 5.20.0
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code changes since 5.19.90
- Update to 5.19.90
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.19.5:
  * Remove explicit ECM_KDE_MODULE_DIR
  * Avoid empty message dialogs, cleanup (kde#407686)
  * RemoveDeadEntries option, cleanup files and config (kde#416255)
  * Use camelcase (scripted)

==== kcron ====
Version update (20.08.1 -> 20.08.2)
Subpackages: kcron-lang

- Update to 20.08.2
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 20.08.1

==== kde-cli-tools5 ====
Version update (5.19.5 -> 5.20.0)
Subpackages: kde-cli-tools5-lang

- Update to 5.20.0
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.19.90:
  * Ignore options after positional arguments (kde#426896)
- Update to 5.19.90
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.19.5:
  * filetypestest: forward-port QEXPECT_FAIL for Qt bug (fixed)
  * autotest: remove dependency on developer build of Qt
  * autotests: ensure there's at least one application for text/plain
  * Fix porting error in testDeleteMimeType(), masked by the 5s delay in QMimeDatabase...
  * autotests: backport XDG_DATA_DIRS
  * This test was failing due to QTBUG-85436 which I just fixed.
  * Port away from Q_FOREACH
  * Code cleanups and modernization
  * Fix filetype editor not saving the apps list on the second Apply
  * Update: kde4-config -> kf5-config
  * Add utility to inhibit various actions
  * Remove explicit use of ECM_KDE_MODULE_DIR, is part of ECM_MODULE_PATH
  * FileTypesTest: adapt to KF logging category name change in KF 5.73
  * [kstart] Port to ApplicationLauncherJob and CommandLauncherJob

==== kde-gtk-config5 ====
Version update (5.19.5 -> 5.20.0)
Subpackages: kde-gtk-config5-gtk3

- Update to 5.20.0
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.19.90:
  * Disable global animations for the time decoration is being rendered (kde#426687)
  * Fix default decoration fallback
  * Remove kservice dependency
- Update to 5.19.90
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.19.5:
  * Convert copyright statements to SPDX expressions
  * Sync titlebar button appearance with GTK CSD apps
  * Port deprecated method
  * Make a strong hint, that xsettingsd is a de facto required runtime dependency
  * Provide an unified interface for setting GTK theme
  * Synchronize the cursor size setting (kde#421133)
  * Create README for the project
  * Provide a logo for the project

==== kdeedu-data ====
Version update (20.08.1 -> 20.08.2)

- Update to 20.08.2
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 20.08.1

==== kdegraphics-thumbnailers ====
Version update (20.08.1 -> 20.08.2)

- Update to 20.08.2
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 20.08.1

==== kdenetwork-filesharing ====
Version update (20.08.1 -> 20.08.2)
Subpackages: kdenetwork-filesharing-lang

- Update to 20.08.2
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 20.08.1

==== kdf ====
Version update (20.08.1 -> 20.08.2)
Subpackages: kdf-lang kwikdisk

- Update to 20.08.2
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 20.08.1

==== kdiamond ====
Version update (20.08.1 -> 20.08.2)
Subpackages: kdiamond-lang

- Update to 20.08.2
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 20.08.1

==== kernel-firmware ====
Subpackages: kernel-firmware-all kernel-firmware-amdgpu kernel-firmware-ath10k kernel-firmware-atheros kernel-firmware-bluetooth kernel-firmware-bnx2 kernel-firmware-brcm kernel-firmware-chelsio kernel-firmware-dpaa2 kernel-firmware-i915 kernel-firmware-intel kernel-firmware-iwlwifi kernel-firmware-liquidio kernel-firmware-marvell kernel-firmware-media kernel-firmware-mediatek kernel-firmware-mellanox kernel-firmware-mwifiex kernel-firmware-network kernel-firmware-nfp kernel-firmware-nvidia kernel-firmware-platform kernel-firmware-prestera kernel-firmware-qlogic kernel-firmware-radeon kernel-firmware-realtek kernel-firmware-serial kernel-firmware-sound kernel-firmware-ti kernel-firmware-ueagle kernel-firmware-usb-network

- Use fdupes -s (bsc#1177428);
  this seems fixing the mess up of hard-linked files by the package
- Fix symlink creations for split packages (bsc#1177554);
  also show the copy/link status verbosely at packge build

==== kgamma5 ====
Version update (5.19.5 -> 5.20.0)
Subpackages: kgamma5-lang

- Update to 5.20.0
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code changes since 5.19.90
- Update to 5.19.90
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.19.5:
  * Remove explicit ECM_KDE_MODULE_DIR

==== kgeography ====
Version update (20.08.1 -> 20.08.2)
Subpackages: kgeography-lang

- Update to 20.08.2
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 20.08.1:
  * Add kdoctools_install call previously added by release tools
  * Improve i18n tooling

==== kget ====
Version update (20.08.1 -> 20.08.2)
Subpackages: kget-lang

- Update to 20.08.2
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 20.08.1:
  * Fix icons in transfer history

==== kgoldrunner ====
Version update (20.08.1 -> 20.08.2)
Subpackages: kgoldrunner-lang

- Update to 20.08.2
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 20.08.1

==== khangman ====
Version update (20.08.1 -> 20.08.2)
Subpackages: khangman-lang

- Update to 20.08.2
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 20.08.1:
  * Add kdoctools_install call previously added by release tools
  * Improve i18n tooling

==== khotkeys5 ====
Version update (5.19.5 -> 5.20.0)
Subpackages: khotkeys5-lang

- Update to 5.20.0
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code changes since 5.19.90
- Update to 5.19.90
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.19.5:
  * Remove explicit ECM_KDE_MODULE_DIR
  * Set a display names for our actions
  * Fix build
  * port away from kstandarddirs
  * more minor cleanups
  * port WindowDefinitionListDialog away from kdialog
  * port WindowDefinitionDialog away from kdialog
  * port export dialog away from kdialog
  * port edit gesture dialog away from kdialog
  * port away from kurl
  * minor cleanups
  * port away from KShortcut
  * minor cleanup
  * some cleanup
  * fix wonky connection

==== kig ====
Version update (20.08.1 -> 20.08.2)
Subpackages: kig-lang

- Update to 20.08.2
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 20.08.1:
  * Add kdoctools_install call previously added by release tools
  * Improve i18n tooling

==== kinfocenter5 ====
Version update (5.19.5 -> 5.20.0)
Subpackages: kinfocenter5-lang

- Update to 5.20.0
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code changes since 5.19.90
- Update to 5.19.90
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.19.5:
  * Remove explicit ECM_KDE_MODULE_DIR
  * drop qt3 support defs
  * set more screenshots
  * switch Exec line to kinfocenter
  * correct appstream homepage URL to plasma homepage
  * Use camelcase (scripted)
  * Add README
  * Add device "Description" to sidebar

==== kipi-plugins ====
Version update (20.08.1 -> 20.08.2)
Subpackages: kipi-plugins-lang

- Update to 20.08.2
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 20.08.1

==== kiriki ====
Version update (20.08.1 -> 20.08.2)
Subpackages: kiriki-lang

- Update to 20.08.2
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 20.08.1

==== kiten ====
Version update (20.08.1 -> 20.08.2)
Subpackages: fonts-KanjiStrokeOrders kiten-lang

- Update to 20.08.2
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 20.08.1:
  * Add kdoctools_install call previously added by release tools
  * Fix potential crash in sessionConfig
  * Improve i18n tooling

==== kjumpingcube ====
Version update (20.08.1 -> 20.08.2)
Subpackages: kjumpingcube-lang

- Update to 20.08.2
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 20.08.1

==== klines ====
Version update (20.08.1 -> 20.08.2)
Subpackages: klines-lang

- Update to 20.08.2
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 20.08.1

==== kmahjongg ====
Version update (20.08.1 -> 20.08.2)
Subpackages: kmahjongg-lang

- Update to 20.08.2
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 20.08.1

==== kmenuedit5 ====
Version update (5.19.5 -> 5.20.0)
Subpackages: kmenuedit5-lang

- Update to 5.20.0
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code changes since 5.19.90
- Update to 5.19.90
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.19.5:
  * Remove explicit ECM_KDE_MODULE_DIR
  * Fix clazy warning

==== kmines ====
Version update (20.08.1 -> 20.08.2)
Subpackages: kmines-lang

- Update to 20.08.2
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 20.08.1

==== kmouth ====
Version update (20.08.1 -> 20.08.2)
Subpackages: kmouth-lang

- Update to 20.08.2
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 20.08.1

==== kmplot ====
Version update (20.08.1 -> 20.08.2)
Subpackages: kmplot-lang

- Update to 20.08.2
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 20.08.1:
  * Add kdoctools_install call previously added by release tools
  * Improve i18n tooling

==== knavalbattle ====
Version update (20.08.1 -> 20.08.2)
Subpackages: knavalbattle-lang

- Update to 20.08.2
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 20.08.1

==== knetwalk ====
Version update (20.08.1 -> 20.08.2)
Subpackages: knetwalk-lang

- Update to 20.08.2
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 20.08.1

==== kolf ====
Version update (20.08.1 -> 20.08.2)
Subpackages: kolf-lang

- Update to 20.08.2
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 20.08.1

==== kollision ====
Version update (20.08.1 -> 20.08.2)
Subpackages: kollision-lang

- Update to 20.08.2
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 20.08.1

==== kolourpaint ====
Version update (20.08.1 -> 20.08.2)
Subpackages: kolourpaint-lang

- Update to 20.08.2
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 20.08.1

==== konquest ====
Version update (20.08.1 -> 20.08.2)
Subpackages: konquest-lang

- Update to 20.08.2
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 20.08.1

==== kpat ====
Version update (20.08.1 -> 20.08.2)
Subpackages: kpat-lang

- Update to 20.08.2
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 20.08.1:
  * Fix opening files

==== kqtquickcharts ====
Version update (20.08.1 -> 20.08.2)

- Update to 20.08.2
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 20.08.1

==== krdc ====
Version update (20.08.1 -> 20.08.2)
Subpackages: krdc-lang

- Update to 20.08.2
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 20.08.1

==== kreversi ====
Version update (20.08.1 -> 20.08.2)
Subpackages: kreversi-lang

- Update to 20.08.2
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 20.08.1

==== krfb ====
Version update (20.08.1 -> 20.08.2)
Subpackages: krfb-lang

- Update to 20.08.2
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 20.08.1:
  * Make sure to save security settings each time they are modified (kde#340411)
  * pipewire: Only aspire to use dmabuf if linux/dma-buf.h is present
  * Fixes for builds without pipewire3
  * Support DMABuf streams
  * Compensate for global scale factor when using xcb fb plugin (kde#419814)
- Dropped patches, now upstream:
  * 0003-Compensate-for-global-scale-factor-when-using-xcb-fb.patch
- Rebased patches against 20.08.2:
  - 0001-Declare-and-use-logging-categories.patch

==== kscreen5 ====
Version update (5.19.5 -> 5.20.0)
Subpackages: kscreen5-lang kscreen5-plasmoid

- Update to 5.20.0
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.19.90:
  * fix(kded): move to kdirwatch to reduce inotify footprint
- Update to 5.19.90
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.19.5:
  * Require C++17
  * Drop empty X-KDE-PluginInfo-Depends
  * docs: remove maintainer information

==== kscreenlocker ====
Version update (5.19.5 -> 5.20.0)
Subpackages: kscreenlocker-lang libKScreenLocker5

- Update to 5.20.0
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code changes since 5.19.90
- Drop unneeded seccomp build requirement
- Kill quietly
- Update to 5.19.90
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.19.5:
  * Remove explicit ECM_KDE_MODULE_DIR
  * Drop empty X-KDE-PluginInfo-Depends
  * Update logind's SetLockedHint
  * Drop seccomp sandboxing
  * Build settings related code only once
  * Fix the race condition fix
  * enable notification for wallpaper configpropertymaps changes
  * Do not require QuickWidgets that is not needed anymore
  * Fix another race condition
  * Fix race condition
  * Fix translations
  * This is a straightforward port of the kcm to qml.
  * Add logo for the repo
  * Fix minor typo
  * Set componentDisplayName on the action collection
- Drop patches, now upstream:
  * 0001-Disable-the-seccomp-sandbox.patch

==== kshisen ====
Version update (20.08.1 -> 20.08.2)
Subpackages: kshisen-lang

- Update to 20.08.2
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 20.08.1

==== ksirk ====
Version update (20.08.1 -> 20.08.2)
Subpackages: ksirk-lang

- Update to 20.08.2
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 20.08.1

==== kspaceduel ====
Version update (20.08.1 -> 20.08.2)
Subpackages: kspaceduel-lang

- Update to 20.08.2
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 20.08.1

==== ksquares ====
Version update (20.08.1 -> 20.08.2)
Subpackages: ksquares-lang

- Update to 20.08.2
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 20.08.1

==== ksshaskpass5 ====
Version update (5.19.5 -> 5.20.0)
Subpackages: ksshaskpass5-lang

- Update to 5.20.0
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code changes since 5.19.90
- Update to 5.19.90
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.19.5:
  * Revert "Merge branch 'Plasma/5.19'"
  * Don't treat empty passwords as not available
  * Bring back for saving usernames as well
  * Pacify c++ compiler warnings

==== ksudoku ====
Version update (20.08.1 -> 20.08.2)
Subpackages: ksudoku-lang

- Update to 20.08.2
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 20.08.1

==== ksysguard5 ====
Version update (5.19.5 -> 5.20.0)
Subpackages: ksysguard5-lang

- Update to 5.20.0
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.19.90:
  * Set correct unit for "all/read" and "all/write" disk usage sensors
- Update to 5.19.90
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- Too many changes to list here

==== ksystemlog ====
Version update (20.08.1 -> 20.08.2)
Subpackages: ksystemlog-lang

- Update to 20.08.2
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 20.08.1

==== kteatime ====
Version update (20.08.1 -> 20.08.2)
Subpackages: kteatime-lang

- Update to 20.08.2
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 20.08.1

==== ktimer ====
Version update (20.08.1 -> 20.08.2)
Subpackages: ktimer-lang

- Update to 20.08.2
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 20.08.1

==== ktouch ====
Version update (20.08.1 -> 20.08.2)
Subpackages: ktouch-lang

- Update to 20.08.2
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 20.08.1:
  * Add kdoctools_install call previously added by release tools
  * Improve i18n tooling

==== kturtle ====
Version update (20.08.1 -> 20.08.2)
Subpackages: kturtle-lang

- Update to 20.08.2
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 20.08.1

==== kubrick ====
Version update (20.08.1 -> 20.08.2)
Subpackages: kubrick-lang

- Update to 20.08.2
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 20.08.1

==== kwayland-integration ====
Version update (5.19.5 -> 5.20.0)

- Update to 5.20.0
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.19.90:
  * Fix shadowless context menus
- Update to 5.19.90
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.19.5:
  * Remove explicit ECM_KDE_MODULE_DIR
  * Require C++17
  * windowsystem: Adjust installation path

==== kwayland-server ====
Version update (5.19.5 -> 5.20.0)

- Update to 5.20.0
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.19.90:
  * Improve readability of code that destroys frame callback resources
  * Keep unreferenced buffers around (kde#425233)
  * Untangle SurfaceInterface and BufferInterface
  * [DataOffer] Avoid calls on null DataSource (kde#396308)
- Fix wayland-protocols dep, no trailing .0
- Update to 5.19.90
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- Too many changes to list here

==== kwin5 ====
Version update (5.19.5 -> 5.20.0)
Subpackages: kwin5-lang

- Update to 5.20.0
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.19.90:
  * wayland: Fix initialization of dmabuf textures
  * 3rdparty: Synchronize xcursor.{c,h}
  * Fix kwin_rules_dialog not showing translated strings
  * scripting: Fix initialization of WorkspaceWrapper
  * scripting: Make ClientFilterModel work for Wayland windows
  * scripting: Properly initialize clients model for Wayland windows
  * scene: prefer calling mapToGlobal just once
  * Place internal osd windows according to placement policies (kde#400675)
  * Properly test internal window flags
  * Use better window placement heuristics for internal clients
  * screencast: Replace EGLFence with a glFinish()
  * Allow calling setFrameGeometry() while the client is being resized (kde#426988)
  * Fix ghost shadows left by context menus (kde#425294)
  * Schedule workspace repaint for destroyed clients
  * x11: Make removal of X11 event filters safe (kde#423319)
  * Enable shadow protocol support for all Wayland clients
  * screencast: Ensure that there is current OpenGL context when recording a window (kde#425869)
  * Expose KWIN_XWL logging category to kdebugsettings
  * Revert "[effects/slidingpopups] Start the animation on only windowAdded or windowClosed" (kde#426686)
  * Fix invalidation of cached x stacking order in wayland only mode
  * Fix for PlasmaSurfaceTest broken in a3b50500
  * Fix for potential use-after-free introduced in a3b50500
  * effects/flipswitch: Port away from deprecated QTimeline curve shape prop
  * effects/cubeslide: Port away from deprecated QTimeline curve shape prop
  * effects/desktopgrid: Port away from deprecated QTimeline curve shape prop
  * Fix use-after-free when the user hovers over an auto-hide plasma panel in wayland...
  * libkwineffects: Bump API version
- Update to 5.19.90
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- Too many changes to list here
- Refresh patches:
  * 0001-Bypass-wayland-interface-blacklisting.patch
  * 0001-Revert-Make-WindowSwitching-Alt-Tab-the-default-left.patch
  * 0001-Use-Xauthority-for-Xwayland.patch

==== kwordquiz ====
Version update (20.08.1 -> 20.08.2)
Subpackages: kwordquiz-lang

- Update to 20.08.2
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 20.08.1:
  * Add kdoctools_install call previously added by release tools
  * Improve i18n tooling

==== kwrited5 ====
Version update (5.19.5 -> 5.20.0)

- Update to 5.20.0
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code changes since 5.19.90
- Update to 5.19.90
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.19.5:
  * Remove explicit ECM_KDE_MODULE_DIR
  * Port away from widgets
  * Require C++17
  * Port away from deprecated KNotification constructor
  * add global notification name

==== libgphoto2 ====
Version update (2.5.25 -> 2.5.26)

- updated to 2.5.26 release
  * Olympus OMD: fixed the 65 second wait after capture.
  * Canon EOS:
  * bugfixes
  * Nikon
  * D3000, D3100, and D3200 "static opcode list" reduced after reports what works and what not
  * Nikon 1 series cameras had some commands listed too much.
  * Nikon 1 J5 improvements
  * "liveviewsize" can change liveviewsize
  * Sony:
  * Modern Sony cameras seem to require a 3 second wait on startup. Seems needed on ZV-1, A7 R4, RX100 M7 so far... Unsure why.
  * correct shutterspeed, iso and exposurebias decoding for Sony A7r4 and other new models
  * some bugfixes in property settings, trying to speed it up
  * ZV-1 support, some additional startup wait hack to make it work.
  * partial Sony QX support added, can do preview... close to having capture (but not there yet) (also added "liveviewsize")
  * report read/write and read/only of properties correctly
  * Fuji X:
  * stabilized normal capture code
  * added bulb capture, added autofocusdrive
  * lots of properties listed now, some also decoded
  * added "liveviewsize", "shuttercounter", "colortemperature",
    "lensname", "devicename", "imagecomment", "filmsimulation", "colorspace"
  * Added very experimental Wifi support.
  * synced new libmtp device ids
  * Cameras added to id list:
  * Sony QX30U, ZV-1, DSC-RX100M7
  * Nikon D780, Z5, Coolpix B700
  * Panasonic GMC-GX8
  * Canon EOS 1D X Mark III, R5, R6
  * Canon PowerShot SX70HS
  * Fuji FinePix X-E1
  * Sigma fp
  * small changes synced from pktriggercord, added Pentax 645Z
  * new experimental driver, supports the docupen scanner pen.
  * more fuzzing related stability fixes, largely to "outdated" driver set.
  * lots of compiler warnings fixes across the codebase
  * update pl, sv, uk, zh_CN, fr
- baselibs.conf: requires libgphoto2-6-xxbit, libexif-devel-xxbit and
  libusb-1_0-devel-xxbit from libgphoto2-devel-xxbit (bsc#1172301)

==== libkdecoration2 ====
Version update (5.19.5 -> 5.20.0)
Subpackages: libkdecorations2-5 libkdecorations2-5-lang libkdecorations2private7

- Update to 5.20.0
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code changes since 5.19.90
- Use only versioned obsoletes
- Update to 5.19.90
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.19.5:
  * Remove explicit ECM_KDE_MODULE_DIR
  * Convert copyright statements to SPDX expressions

==== libkdegames ====
Version update (20.08.1 -> 20.08.2)
Subpackages: kdegames-carddecks-default libkdegames-lang libkf5kdegames6

- Update to 20.08.2
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 20.08.1

==== libkeduvocdocument ====
Version update (20.08.1 -> 20.08.2)
Subpackages: libKEduVocDocument5 libkeduvocdocument-lang

- Update to 20.08.2
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 20.08.1:
  * Improve i18n tooling

==== libkmahjongg ====
Version update (20.08.1 -> 20.08.2)
Subpackages: libKF5KMahjongglib5 libkmahjongg-lang

- Update to 20.08.2
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 20.08.1:
  * RKMahjonggConfigDialog: remove attempt to add another button box

==== libkscreen2 ====
Version update (5.19.5 -> 5.20.0)
Subpackages: libKF5Screen7 libkscreen2-plugin

- Update to 5.20.0
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code changes since 5.19.90
- Update to 5.19.90
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.19.5:
  * Require C++17
  * fix: Fix wrong includes being picked up

==== libksysguard5 ====
Version update (5.19.5 -> 5.20.0)
Subpackages: libksysguard5-helper libksysguard5-imports libksysguard5-lang

- Update to 5.20.0
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.19.90:
  * Don't visit every directory if the cgroup base path is empty
  * Remove implicitHeight hack
  * Remove minimum width from line chart face's LineChart
  * Remove left margin from legend in bar and line chart faces
  * Remove maximum height from Bar chart
  * Restart the daemon if it is stopped
  * Reload everything when reloading the config
  * Fix crash with text face
  * Do not add sensors we did not request when they appear
  * Revert "Update qt5 version requirement to 5.15.0"
  * Fix cgroup regex name  matching
- Update to 5.19.90
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- Too many changes to list here

==== libmtp ====
Version update (1.1.17 -> 1.1.18)
Subpackages: libmtp-udev libmtp9

- updated to 1.1.18 release
  - new USB ids
  - mtp-getfile and mtp-delfile new parameter
  - report "error 6" as "busy / blocked by another device"

==== libqmi ====
Version update (1.26.4 -> 1.26.6)
Subpackages: libqmi-glib5 libqmi-tools

- update to 1.26.6:
  * libqmi-glib:
  + New TLV read APIs added in "NAS Get Cell Location Info" so
    that BCD encoded PLMN strings are read as arrays instead of
    as UTF-8 validated strings.
  + Allow TAB characters as printable in strings.
  * qmicli:
  + report EcIo, RSRP and phase for 5GNR in "NAS Get TX/RX Info".
  * Several other minor improvements and fixes.

==== libqt5-qtbase ====
Subpackages: libQt5Concurrent5 libQt5Core5 libQt5DBus5 libQt5Gui5 libQt5Network5 libQt5OpenGL5 libQt5PrintSupport5 libQt5Sql5 libQt5Sql5-mysql libQt5Sql5-sqlite libQt5Test5 libQt5Widgets5 libQt5Xml5 libqt5-qtbase-platformtheme-gtk3

- Remove some no longer required build dependencies: libpulse,
  alsa (now used via QtMultimedia), libmng (obsolete).

==== libsecret ====
Version update (0.20.3 -> 0.20.4)
Subpackages: libsecret-1-0 typelib-1_0-Secret-1

- Update to version 0.20.4:
  + Secret-file-collection: Make MAC comparison constant time.
  + Initialize libgcrypt for SecretFileCollection.
  + meson:
  - Add tests for GIR-based languages.
  - Add option introspection.
  + man: Add a bugtracker section to the manpage.
  + Updated translations.

==== lokalize ====
Version update (20.08.1 -> 20.08.2)
Subpackages: lokalize-lang

- Update to 20.08.2
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 20.08.1:
  * Fix compilation with -DQT_NO_URL_CAST_FROM_STRING
  * Fix job deletion.
  * Sort language name with locale awareness

==== lskat ====
Version update (20.08.1 -> 20.08.2)
Subpackages: lskat-lang

- Update to 20.08.2
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 20.08.1

==== mbox-importer ====
Version update (20.08.1 -> 20.08.2)
Subpackages: mbox-importer-lang

- Update to 20.08.2
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 20.08.1

==== milou5 ====
Version update (5.19.5 -> 5.20.0)
Subpackages: milou5-lang

- Update to 5.20.0
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code changes since 5.19.90
- Update to 5.19.90
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.19.5:
  * Port old style connect
  * Drop Qt version check for 5.14
  * Let clear method actually clear model
  * Remove dead code
  * Drop empty X-KDE-PluginInfo-Depends
  * Replace old ModelTest copy with QAbstractItemModelTester
  * Enable plugin config watcher (kde#421426)
  * Set krunnerrc config file for RunnerManager (kde#360359)
  * Implement subtext tooltip for KRunner
  * Fix single runner mode (kde#417070)
  * Syntax fix
  * Fix setting text in search field for InformationalMatch
  * Clear search field when result is activated
  * Fix closing of plasmoid when result is selected
  * Close plasmoid using escape

==== mozilla-nss ====
Subpackages: libfreebl3 libfreebl3-hmac libsoftokn3 libsoftokn3-hmac mozilla-nss-certs mozilla-nss-tools

- Fix build with RPM 4.16: error: bare words are no longer
  supported, please use "...":  lib64 == lib64.

==== openafs ====
Subpackages: openafs-client openafs-kmp-64kb openafs-kmp-default

- add firewalld-configuration files
- enable loading of unsupported kernel-module on SLES15

==== oxygen5 ====
Version update (5.19.5 -> 5.20.0)

- Update to 5.20.0
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code changes since 5.19.90
- Update to 5.19.90
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.19.5:
  * Remove explicit ECM_KDE_MODULE_DIR
  * Port away from deprecated Qt::MidButton

==== parley ====
Version update (20.08.1 -> 20.08.2)
Subpackages: parley-lang

- Update to 20.08.2
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 20.08.1:
  * Add kdoctools_install call previously added by release tools
  * Improve i18n tooling

==== perl-Mojolicious ====
Version update (8.61 -> 8.62)

- updated to 8.62
  see /usr/share/doc/packages/perl-Mojolicious/Changes
  8.62  2020-10-10
  - Improved commands to exit with a usage message on unknown options.

==== pim-data-exporter ====
Version update (20.08.1 -> 20.08.2)
Subpackages: pim-data-exporter-lang

- Update to 20.08.2
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 20.08.1

==== pim-sieve-editor ====
Version update (20.08.1 -> 20.08.2)
Subpackages: pim-sieve-editor-lang

- Update to 20.08.2
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 20.08.1

==== plasma-browser-integration ====
Version update (5.19.5 -> 5.20.0)
Subpackages: plasma-browser-integration-lang

- Update to 5.20.0
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code changes since 5.19.90
- Update to 5.19.90
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.19.5:
  * Remove explicit ECM_KDE_MODULE_DIR
  * [Tabs Runner] Add tab URL as mime data for tabs
  * [Tabs Runner] port to new KRunner metadata system & install location
  * Calculate transfer speed manually if download size isn't known
  * Split "page" context menu from links
  * [DownloadJob] Fall back to url when finalUrl isn't set
  * Bump manifest version
  * Use getElementsByTagName instead of querySelectorAll
  * Keep player pending also when duration is known but too short
  * Compress and reduce MediaSession updates
  * Fix removing KDE Connect context menu entries on host disconnect
  * [Download Plugin] Just sent download verbatim
  * Install MutationObserver in DOMContentLoaded
  * Add logo.png for GitLab
  * Restore ability to send tel: URLs to the phone

==== plasma-nm5 ====
Version update (5.19.5 -> 5.20.0)
Subpackages: plasma-nm5-lang plasma-nm5-openconnect plasma-nm5-openvpn plasma-nm5-pptp plasma-nm5-vpnc

- Update to 5.20.0
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code changes since 5.19.90
- Update to 5.19.90
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- Too many changes to list here
- Drop patches, now upstream:
  * 0001-WIP-applet-Fix-inline-password-field-component-not-w.patch

==== plasma5-addons ====
Version update (5.19.5 -> 5.20.0)
Subpackages: plasma5-addons-lang

- Update to 5.20.0
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.19.90:
  * Sync runner config groups on save
- Update to 5.19.90
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.19.5:
  * [applets/nightcolor] Also toggle on middle click (kde#426428)
  * Require C++17
  * [runners/converter] Reject conversion queries without source unit
  * Drop unused KF5DBusAddons dependency
  * Remove POTD KDED module
  * Change POTD cache path back to ~/.cache
  * Drop empty X-KDE-PluginInfo-Depends
  * Fix KNS deprecations
  * specify license for dictionary runner
  * Port mostly to PlasmaComponents3
  * Fix timer applet commands with arguments (kde#424349)
  * Use camelcase includes (scripted)
  * move pot kded to kconfigwatcher
  * do not needlessly allocate stuff when the potd isn't even used
  * spdx++
  * Add license header to kded_potd and correct identifier
  * Port task switchers to use standard sizes for everything else
  * Port task switchers to use units.iconSizes (kde#422547)
  * runners: port to new KRunner metadata system & install location
  * Fix POTD in lock screen (kde#389962)
  * Improve warning
  * Implement configurable zoom in web browser widget
  * [applets/userswitcher] Reflect users KCM's new name
  * [applets] Show KCMs in System Settings (kde#417836)

==== plasma5-desktop ====
Version update (5.19.5 -> 5.20.0)
Subpackages: plasma5-desktop-emojier

- Also obsolete kde-user-manager-lang (boo#1177677)
- Explicitly depend on accountsservice, like kde-user-manager
- Update to 5.20.0
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.19.90:
  * Fix "Plasma Renderer" KCM not being launchable (kde#421431)
  * Remove fallthrough attribute
  * Compare against coponent id when importing (kde#427188)
  * [kcm/keys] Use AbstractKCM as a base, rather than ScrollViewKCM
  * Add some rudimentary error handling to users kcm (kde#425036)
  * [kcms/users] Fix "Passwords must match" message in change password sheet
  * [kcms/users] Fix "passwords must match" error message being too narrow
  * [applets/taskmanager] Don't show icons on top of thumbnails on Wayland (kde#427076)
  * [kcms/activities] Use correct method to set active global shortcut (kde#374575)
  * Always draw sidebar in applet configuration window (kde#419517)
  * make click on thumbnails work on wayland
  * [kcms/krunner] Use more accurate text for the positioning
  * Update emoji category to latest ibus-dict-emoji
  * Force Emojier using color emoji font
  * [kcms/autostart] Add Exec line to KCM desktop file (kde#426737)
  * Remove freetype/fontconfig remnants
  * [kimpanel] Fix comments in cmake find modules
- kde-user-manager got dropped in favor of the user kcm in here
- Use a versioned Obsoletes for synaptiks
- Drop unneeded BuildRequires and obsolete workarounds
- Mention KCMs in %files individually
- Update to 5.19.90
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- Too many changes to list here
- Refresh patches:
  * 0001-Use-themed-user-face-icon-in-kickoff.patch

==== plasma5-integration ====
Version update (5.19.5 -> 5.20.0)
Subpackages: plasma5-integration-plugin plasma5-integration-plugin-lang

- Update to 5.20.0
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.19.90:
  * QXdgDesktopPortalFileDialog: pass directory option to portal
- Update to 5.19.90
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.19.5:
  * Remove explicit ECM_KDE_MODULE_DIR
  * Implement forwarding file dialog requests to xdg-desktop portal
  * Use KDE shortcuts for "move to trash" action coming from QStandardKey (kde#426573)
  * Use same default for all places StartDragTime is loaded (kde#421450)
  * Get rid of workaround that prevents file dialog from being blocked

==== plasma5-openSUSE ====
Subpackages: plasma5-defaults-openSUSE plasma5-theme-openSUSE plasma5-workspace-branding-openSUSE sddm-theme-openSUSE

- Update to 5.20.0
- Update to 5.19.90
- Update to 5.19.5

==== plasma5-pa ====
Version update (5.19.5 -> 5.20.0)
Subpackages: plasma5-pa-lang

- Update to 5.20.0
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code changes since 5.19.90
- Update to 5.19.90
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.19.5:
  * Default maximumPercent value of 100
  * Use pulseaudio's equal functions instead of memcmp
  * Show and hide the inactive device buttons based on new count property
  * Use i18nd consistently
  * don't show in widget explorer on plasma mobile
  * [applet] Allow showing inactive devices as in the KCM
  * [applet] Port towards PlasmaComponents3
  * Colorize volume percentage text when over 100%
  * Show correct volume level in OSD when maximum volume is raised (kde#422537)
  * Filter out currently unused devices (kde#422612)
  * Fix Layout warnings
  * Take into account Balance button for layouting
  * Fix centering Volume icon around channel sliders
  * Change it to a "Balance" button so also non-geeks can comprehend it
  * Allow "unlocking" volume slider for per-channel (e.g. left, right) volume sliders
  * [ListItemBase] Open options menu also on right click like a context menu

==== plasma5-thunderbolt ====
Version update (5.19.5 -> 5.20.0)

- Update to 5.20.0
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code changes since 5.19.90
- Update to 5.19.90
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.19.5:
  * Don't set a parent on sharedpointer mangaed object (kde#423029)

==== plasma5-workspace ====
Version update (5.19.5 -> 5.20.0)
Subpackages: gmenudbusmenuproxy plasma5-session plasma5-session-wayland plasma5-workspace-lang plasma5-workspace-libs xembedsniproxy

- Add patch to fix startup of some applications (mostly Tk):
  * 0001-Revert-krdb-Call-xrdb-with-nocpp-to-fix-gitk-runtime.patch
- Update to 5.20.0
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- Too many changes to list here
- Drop patches, now upstream:
  * 0001-applets-devicenotifier-Don-t-open-popup-for-already-.patch
  * 0001-Improve-handling-of-lifecycle-methods-in-retain-prio.patch
- Add patch to avoid popup on login (kde#426990):
  * 0001-applets-devicenotifier-Don-t-open-popup-for-already-.patch
- Mark powerdevil 5.19.0 as recent enough as workaround for boo#1176474
- Add patch to fix krunner on wayland:
  * 0001-Improve-handling-of-lifecycle-methods-in-retain-prio.patch
- Copy icon for org.kde.kcolorschemeeditor.desktop
- Clean up .spec file and remove obsolete workarounds
- Update to 5.19.90
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- Too many changes to list here
- Refresh patches:
  * 0001-Ignore-default-sddm-face-icons.patch
  * 0001-Use-qdbus-qt5.patch
- Drop patches, now upstream:
  * 0001-Port-applets-to-use-PlasmaExtras.PlaceholderMessage.patch
  * 0001-ksmserver-Use-UpdateLaunchEnvJob-to-sync-SESSION_MAN.patch
  * 0001-sddm-theme-lockscreen-Fix-login-button-size.patch

==== polkit-default-privs ====
Version update (1550+20200909.647e56f -> 1550+20201001.cb7020b)

- Update to version 1550+20201001.cb7020b:
  * Whitelist newly added powerdevil battery charge threshold actions (bsc#1176474)

==== polkit-kde-agent-5 ====
Version update (5.19.5 -> 5.20.0)
Subpackages: polkit-kde-agent-5-lang

- Update to 5.20.0
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code changes since 5.19.90
- Update to 5.19.90
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.19.5:
  * use pretty global notification name and title capitalization

==== powerdevil5 ====
Version update (5.19.5 -> 5.20.0)
Subpackages: powerdevil5-lang

- Update to 5.20.0
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.19.90:
  * Show "you might need to reconnect charger" hint only when charging/fully charged
  * Take DESTDIR into account when running setcap
- Update to 5.19.90
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.19.5:
  * Remove explicit ECM_KDE_MODULE_DIR
  * Add setting for charge threshold
  * Remove shortcut migration code
  * [core] Return early if no wakeup was cleared
  * [core] send the dbus error if wakeup is invalid
  * cmake: set the CAP_WAKE_ALARM capability on the powerdevil
  * [core] introduce the method to wake system up
  * Set min width of activities KCM to smaller value (kde#407622)
  * On wakeup from suspend restore remembered keyboard brightness
  * [mobile] on mobile devices lock screen before we turn it off
  * [mobile] various adjustments related to power management
  * [dpms action] introduce option to lock screen before turning off
  * Use camelcase (scripted)
  * [kcm] Remove incorrect information from error message (kde#423872)
  * Fix compilation with ddcutil 0.9.9
  * Play sound when plugged in
  * Change "adaptor" to "adapter"
  * Fix build on FreeBSD
  * WIP: Implement smooth brightness change for sysfs / backlight helper
  * Use add_definitions instead of add_compile_definitions
  * Add a logging category config file

==== splix ====

- Removed "BuildRequires: python-cups" (python2 is dead) (change
  effectively done by J. Meixner).

==== step ====
Version update (20.08.1 -> 20.08.2)
Subpackages: step-lang

- Update to 20.08.2
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 20.08.1:
  * Add kdoctools_install call previously added by release tools
  * Improve i18n tooling

==== sweeper ====
Version update (20.08.1 -> 20.08.2)
Subpackages: sweeper-lang

- Update to 20.08.2
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 20.08.1

==== systemsettings5 ====
Version update (5.19.5 -> 5.20.0)
Subpackages: systemsettings5-lang

- Update to 5.20.0
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.19.90:
  * Make margins consistent on all sides for all KCMs
  * Update highlight default dot for module in search mode
  * Fix default module highlight
  * [Sidebar] Avoid reloading already loaded module (kde#420196)
  * Make the user-visible strings defined in KAboutData translatable again. (kde#426742)
  * Don't show an arrow when the category only contains one item (kde#426731)
  * Show  bug report action in sidebar menu (kde#426747)
  * [sidebar view] Set icon sizes properly on home screen
- Update to 5.19.90
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.19.5:
  * Remove explicit ECM_KDE_MODULE_DIR
  * [Sidebar view] Only indent subsategory icons in the search view
  * Fix trying to call a method on a still null object
  * [Sidebar view] Add arrow to list items which are parent/category items
  * [Sidebar view] Add accessibility hints for icons-only ToolButtons
  * Port sidebar placeholder message to Kirigami.PlaceholderMessage
  * Don't show highlight changed entries button in kinfocenter (kde#425964)
  * Rework main.cpp
  * Clean up subcategory model when going to home screen
  * In sidebar mode show if a module is in default state or not
  * Button text Uses Title Case
  * Add Separator. Remove round. Style
  * Add button to activate defaults highlighting
  * [sidebar] Make SubcategoryModel dynamic
  * [sidebar view] Show list item separator lines
  * Also hide Buttons when changing modules in info center mode (kde#424490)
  * [sidebar view] Remove size hacks for toolbar items (kde#424228)
  * correct appstream homepage URL to plasma homepage
  * Use camelcase (scripted)

==== umbrello ====
Version update (20.08.1 -> 20.08.2)
Subpackages: umbrello-lang

- Update to 20.08.2
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 20.08.1

==== xdg-desktop-portal-kde ====
Version update (5.19.5 -> 5.20.0)
Subpackages: xdg-desktop-portal-kde-lang

- Update to 5.20.0
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code changes since 5.19.90
- Update to 5.19.90
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- Changes since 5.19.5:
  * Remove explicit ECM_KDE_MODULE_DIR
  * AppModel: Rename role names
  * Port AppChooserDialog to Kirigami
  * mobile filechooser: Allow to disable the mime type filter
  * mobile filechooser: Move more logic to c++
  * appchooserdialog: Replace context properties
  * Portaway from obsolute methods in QPrinter
  * mobile filechooser: Forward selectMultiple
  * FileChooser: Properly preselect MIME filter passed as "current_filter"
  * Add "Name" entry into the desktop file (kde#426004)
  * Add "Name" entry into the desktop file
  * port appchooserdialog's app list to load kservices
  * use kirigami icon instead of plasma icon in appchooser
  * Print: enable printing of multiple copies
  * Fix clazy warnings
  * Port away from deprecated API
  * open discover with mimetype when app choosing (if available)
  * mobile filechooser: Fix handling of title and initial folder
  * screencasting: error out when kwin isn't providing the zkde_screencast_unstable_v1 (kde#424744)
  * FileChooser: Properly handle mnemonics in 'accept_label' (kde#422340)
  * mobile filechooser: Show inline message for errors
  * mobile filechooser: Use an icon that is colorful even in small sizes
  * Implement mobile filechooser interface.
  * screencasting: Adoption of the zkde_screencast_v1 Wayland protocol
  * FileChooser: Return selected filter
  * FileChooser: Handle 'options' - 'choices'
  * FileChooser portal: Handle 'current_filter'

==== xdm ====
Subpackages: xdm-xsession

- no longer package symlinks for Xsession, Xsetupm Xstartup and
  Xreset in /etc/X11/xdm, since meanwhile sddm, gdm and lightdm
  have been adjusted

==== yakuake ====
Version update (20.08.1 -> 20.08.2)
Subpackages: yakuake-lang

- Update to 20.08.2
  * New bugfix release
  * For more details please see:
- No code change since 20.08.1